Insurance is a very important aspect of a Personal finance, as it provides financial cover for accidents, illness and unemployment. Therefore it gives a peace of mind which is priceless. There are some golden rules for finding insurance best plans which suit your needs and the cost is also within the budget of an average salaried person.
Firstly you must look at the initial inclusion period which can be different for insurance best plans. Every insurance best plan has certain initial exclusion time in which you cannot claim against the insurance best plan for example if a person is buying an insurance best income protection plan then if the plan has an initial exclusion period of 90 days means that you cannot claim your insurance protection according to the benefits specified in your insurance best plan.
Second thing is buy an insurance plan which has lower excess period as sometimes people go for a longer excess period in order to decrease the cost of the plan and thus save some money but if we look at this issue we will see that excess period is the time from the date when you place your claim to the period when you can get your benefits. So if you get an insurance best plan that has low excess period will help you in bad times.
Most of the insurance companies use direct debt so you need to it is important to plan your cash flows properly by knowing the dates when direct debit will hit your account and therefore keeping sufficient amount of bank balance to meet the expenses. As otherwise your policy can automatically be terminated and cause a financial loss as in the beginning the amount you can get on surrendering your insurance best plan is low due to the cost of buying a policy. Secondly if you are buying a insurance best plan today it will be cost effective for you then in an older age when your plan will be considered riskier than before and underwriters will ask for high prices for insuring you.
Some insurers also have pre conditions, such as they will not give insurance cover during pregnancy or war because this will increase their risk tremendously in case of providing accident or sickness cover to their clients so they must abide by the rules of regulatory authorities and must explicitly explain all such pre-conditions and exclusions. When opting for an insurance best plan, it is advisable that you must look into it for all such pre conditions and exclusions properly.
There are some insurance companies who also increase their policy fee this needs to be carefully consider that what will be the fee that we will really be paying for this purpose we have to see our direct debit statement. Some companies explain how the price will vary but many reserve the right to change it whenever they think it fit. So the price will vary from company to company. Also see what their procedures are for policy transfer and also what will be the regulations for claim processing.
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